Andrew and Peter

Advent 1, 2015 C—Children’s Sermon

Advent is a time when we welcome Jesus in all the ways that He comes to us. And Jesus comes to us through other people.

Who taught you about Jesus? Mom, Dad, Sunday School teachers?

We learned a lot about Jesus from a guy named St. Peter. You’ve heard of him, haven’t you? He was called the Prince of the Apostles! Jesus’ right-hand man! Peter was a rock star. Everybody followed his lead.

Who’d we name our congregation after? That’s right.

But how did Peter learn about Jesus?

Have you ever heard about a guy named Andrew? He was Peter’s brother. And you know, Andrew met Jesus before Peter did. In fact, Andrew introduced Peter to Jesus. We don’t hear too much about St. Andrew. He’s not nearly so famous as his brother. But if it weren’t for Andrew, Peter might never have known Jesus. And we would never have learned the things about Jesus that Peter taught us.

We may not all grow up to be famous. But that doesn’t mean that what we do is unimportant. Maybe the most important thing we’ll ever do is to help a friend, or aid a stranger, or have a family. And some day that friend or stranger or great-great-grandchild will go on to do something truly great, something they could never have done without us.

Jesus works through all of us. And He does great work in small kindnesses.
