
Children’s Sermon
23 March 2025

Do you guys have friends?

Do you have, like, best friends? What makes you best friends?

I have best friends. Just a few, but they’re good. They’re the best.

They live a long way away now. Or I guess I do. But that doesn’t matter, not really. We send letters and birthday presents. I text them. I probably should call. The cool thing is that, even if I don’t see them for years, we’re still best friends. We think about each other all the time.

And when we do see each other again, well, it’s like no time has passed at all. Except of course that I have lost my hair.

We read today from the Prophet Isaiah, in which God says, “I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast sure love.” Did you ever hear that word, covenant? Do you have any idea what it means?

It’s a promise. Not like a contract, where you have to do certain things for me and I agree to do certain things for you. No, a covenant just means that I love you forever. I’m with you to the end of the line.

Years go by. Things change. People lose their hair. But your friends stay with you, right here, in your heart. And that makes all the difference in the world.

Isaiah says that God’s love is just like that. No matter what happens, no matter where we are, or how much time has passed, God’s love for us is always the same. That’s His covenant, His promise, that we are His and He is ours forever. Nothing can change that. Nothing can change God’s love for us.

And I want you to know that God has promised all of this to each of you as well. And God does not break promises.

Okay? Let’s pray.
