Children’s Sermon: The Promise of Our Baptism
12 January 2025
Hey, guys, how are you? Is it good to be back to school? I don’t know that they would admit it, but I think our kids kind of missed it. Holidays wouldn’t be holidays if they were all the time.
So this morning we are talking about Baptism. And I’m willing to bet that most everyone here has been baptized. If not, boy oh boy, do we have deal for you! But I’m also willing to bet that most of us do not remember our Baptism. We were probably pretty tiny when it happened.
Does anybody remember their Baptism? I do not remember mine. I was two weeks old when my parents presented me for Baptism. And let me tell you, sometimes I have trouble remembering two weeks ago. But my parents taught me all about it.
Some traditions wait until we’re older. They baptize adults, so that we might have some understanding of what is going on. And I get that, but we don’t do that. I mean, we will definitely baptize adults; that’s actually pretty cool. But we don’t make kids wait until they grow up.
And that’s because we know that Baptism isn’t something that we do. It isn’t our promise to God; it’s God’s promise to us. It’s all His work, His gift. God chooses you, each of you, by name. And He says, “I will love you forever. I will be your God forever.”
And nothing we can do can change that. God promises to love us, period. He promises to be with us, period. And God does not break promises! If He could, then He wouldn’t be God.
See, Baptism joins us to Jesus. It gives us His Life and His Spirit. It means that whatever we go through, whatever we face, God in Christ is with us. When good things happen, when bad things happen, when nothing much seems to happen, God is right here, with us, in us. And just as Jesus is risen, we too shall arise.
That doesn’t mean that life will be easy. But it does mean that we will never be alone. No-one and nothing can take us from Jesus: not sin, not death, not the devil, not hell. Nothing. We will always be loved; even when we do wrong; especially when we do wrong.
And because we will always be loved, we will live forever.
This is the promise of God. And God does not break promises.
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