Annual Report

Pastor’s Annual Report, A.D. 2017 A
Thanksgiving and Growth

The annual report is a time to look back upon what God has been doing in, with, and through our congregation in the preceding calendar year. And frankly, He’s been busy.

2016 was very generous to St Peter’s. We’ve had several new families join our congregation in recent months: some bring with them decades of active experience serving and worshipping in the Church; others have come surrounded by the laughter and eagerness of their children. All continue to offer their time and their talents, both enriching and being enriched by our life together here at St Peter’s. We look forward to welcoming them formally at our upcoming New Members Sunday.

2016 was also quite gentle. Believe it or not, we’ve gone more than two years without burying a member of St Peter’s. During that time we’ve been honored to hold funeral services for friends and family of our congregation, of course, as well as for those in our greater community. Funerals provide us with a time to mourn together, and to rejoice together in the sure hope that only Jesus brings. But it is a great mercy to go so long between farewells.

St Peter’s is growing in other ways. We’ve got new baptisms and new weddings on the calendar for 2017. Our Youth Group is going gangbusters, and Confirmation continues to expand in leaps and bounds! When I first arrived in 2008, Confirmation consisted of three students; this year’s class boasts no less than 23 youth, who along with their families and adult mentors have led to this being our best year yet. I thank God for all the faithful youth and adults—not only in Confirmation but also in our Sunday School programs and Adult Education forums—who give generously of their time and talents that we may live out our faith together in meaningful and lively ways.

And then there’s worship. We gather every Sunday to hear the Word of God and to be forgiven and raised to new life in the Sacraments. Ushers, lectors, musicians, acolytes, greeters, providers of hospitality, and every member worshipping in the pews together greet the Risen Christ, who descends from Heaven at every divine service to meet us in His promised Body and Blood. And then we are sent out—forgiven, taught, fed, and blessed—to continue Jesus’ work in our world. This steady, holy rhythm of Christian life is enhanced by midweek Vespers and Holy Week services, which continue to grow in attendance. Worship also helps us to celebrate throughout the year at special memorials and festivals, such as our upcoming Candlemas service.

We live out the blessings Christ gives to us through our many committees and individual acts of generosity. The people of St Peter’s continue to amaze me with their fundraisers, food drives, charitable giving, and compassion towards all those who come to us in need. (Not to mention the everyday acts of upkeep, maintenance, and repair that keep our parish building warm and clean and whole for all to enjoy! We wouldn’t get very far in our work together without the steadfast and often anonymous acts of service that keep St Peter’s running smoothly.) God bless you for that. Truly it reminds us all, including your pastor, that Christ is still very much alive and at work in our midst.

All these aspects of our life together—outreach, education, worship, good works and humble service—outstrip all expectations for a medium-sized church in a rural Minnesotan small town. We see how wise and true our Savior was in comparing the Kingdom of God to a tiny sprouting seed or a pinch of active yeast. It doesn’t take much, just a little faith poured out upon repentant sinners. And look how we flourish together!

In the Name of the Father and of the +Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
