The Tower
Tarot Card: The Tower, by MorkarDFC Propers: The Third Sunday in Lent , AD 2025 C Homily: Lord, we pray for the preacher, for You know his sins are great. Grace mercy and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Evil is a problem. What’s remarkable is that we know it. The world is full of terrible things. Beautiful, yes, but also terrible. Some evils we bring upon ourselves. Some are thrust upon us by other people. Yet much of the suffering in our world appears utterly inexplicable. It descends upon us unjustly, unfairly. We all know, or darn well ought to know, that bad things happen to good people; while the worst of us often flourish at the expense of all the rest. This we call theodicy, the problem of evil. And the popular formulation goes like this: if God is all-good; and God is all-powerful; then there ought not to be evil. But the world is full of evil; we encounter it all the time. Ergo, God is either not good or God is not powerful. A...